44 X 34 = 1,496 square inches
1 square foot = 144 square inches
1,496 / 144 = 10.388889 square feet
multiply the numbers together to get square feet 34 x 52 = 1768 sq ft
In inches it is 50 by 34 so is 1,700 square inches. In square feet divide by 12 x 12 so is 11.80556 approx.
9 inches and 10 inches.
There are 34,848 square feet in 0.8 acres. To calculate this, you can convert acres to square feet by multiplying the number of acres by 43,560 (the number of square feet in an acre). Therefore, 0.8 acres x 43,560 = 34,848 square feet.
Square feet is a measure of area. Inches is a measure of length.If the question is ,"How many square feet is 34 squareinches?"1 square foot = 12 x 12 = 144 square inches.34 square inches = 34 ÷ 144 = 0.2361 sq ft (4dp)
221 square feet.
Approximately 39.67 square feet.
Approximately 0.2361 square feet.
Approximately 5.8 square feet. Six square feet to be safe.
Multiply width by length to get the area. The answer would be 2754 square inches which is 19.125 square feet.
You have given three dimensions; square feet has only two dimensions. Do you mean cubic feet?
The answer will depend on the units used. It should be obvious that 28 inches x 34 inches will be considerably fewer square feet than 28 kilometres x 34 kilometres!
34 inches = 2.83333333 feet (2 feet 10 inches)
2 feet 10 inches.
414 inches = 34.5 feet (34 feet 6 inches).