1.219 x 0.9144 = 1.11 square meters
You cannot define a volume with only two linear dimensions.
54 inches.
It is: 4+5+3 = 12 feet
48 inches
A square yard is 3ft by 3ft
66 square feet
1.219 x 0.9144 = 1.11 square meters
5ft * 4ft * 3ft = 60 cubic ft = 1.699 cu metres
she is 4ft and 1 inches or 3ft and 12inches.
3ft = 36 inches 4 ft = 48 inches. Hence 3ft x 4ft = 12 sq.ft. It follows that 36 ins x 48 ins = 1728 sq.ins.
3456 square inches.
2 square feet or 288 square inches.
Two and Four are both common denominators of Four and Eight, therefore either of these can be used. You would need only two 4ft square tiles or eight 2ft square tiles to cover the 4ft x 8ft floor.
58 inches
538 gallons