A comfortable step for most people is 2.5 feet (although this till vary according to height), so 1,050 steps would cover a distance of 2625 feet.
The GCF is 105.
Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, if we're talking standard steps for an average person, say about 2.5 feet per step, then 50 feet would be around 20 steps. But hey, if you're a giant taking baby steps, then maybe it's like 50 steps. Who knows, man? Just take a stroll and enjoy the journey!
The GCF is 175.
Long Multiplication 75 x35 2250 ( 75 x 3 x 10) +375 ( 75 x 5) 2625 =====
Remember there are 3 feet in 1 yard. So multiply by '3' Hence 875 yds X 3 = 2625 feet.
2625 x 1= 2625
28 steps equal 100 feet
It is 2625 meters above mean sea level (8612 feet).
82.03 square feet.
15 ft*35 ft*5 ft = 2625 cu ft = 19636.4 gallons (US) approx.
If the bottom of the pool is a uniform gradient from one side of the rectangle to the other, then volume = 2625 cubic feet = 16351 gallons.
1,760 steps.
"how big are the steps?" There are 5280 feet in a mile so you would find how many feet your steps are and then take that number and 5280/"size of step"
5,5,5,3, and 7 5x5x5x3x7=2625 or 53 x 3 x 7 = 2625
depending on the riser height of the steps. If the risers are 7 inches, it would take about 102 steps to reach 60 feet. 108 steps would get you to 63 feet exactly.