The number is: 36725918 In descending order that is: 98765321 The pairs of numbers that have as many digits between them in both are: 3,9 5,8 6,7 So there are three pairs.
8(6741)3= 8(7654)3 the digits between 8,3 are 4. 6(7)4=6(5)4 so the answer is four (8,3&6,4)
In descending order from highest to lowest
one possible 183 762 945
The number is: 36725918 In descending order that is: 98765321 The pairs of numbers that have as many digits between them in both are: 3,9 5,8 6,7 So there are three pairs.
210 of them.
There are too many to enumerate.
8(6741)3= 8(7654)3 the digits between 8,3 are 4. 6(7)4=6(5)4 so the answer is four (8,3&6,4)
Yes and they are normally written out in descending order.
In descending order from highest to lowest
16 digits that are arranged according to the Luhn rule (or Luhn test).
descending order
The number 8549176320 has all the digits arranged in alphabetical order.
If you're limited to only 5 digits that can't be repeated, then there are 120 ways they can be arranged.