6 with remainder 5.
8 times.
Well, honey, 8 can go into 53 a total of 6 times with a remainder of 5. So, if you're dividing 53 by 8, you'll get 6 with a little leftover. Math doesn't have to be complicated, just divide and conquer!
Seven times with a remainder of four
it doesn't because 6 times 8 is 48 and six times nine is 54.
53 divided by 6 = 8 with a remainder of 5.
6 with remainder 5.
8 times.
53 times with a remainder of 7 or 53.875 times
Well, honey, 8 can go into 53 a total of 6 times with a remainder of 5. So, if you're dividing 53 by 8, you'll get 6 with a little leftover. Math doesn't have to be complicated, just divide and conquer!
53 of them, with nothing left over, as long as all the 8's are the same size.
53 divided by 6 equals 8 with a remainder of 5.
8% of 53 = 4.24 8% of 53 = 53* 8/100 = 106/25 = 4.25
4:52. 53 minus 45 = 8, so we need to go to 8 minutes before 5.
well, 53/ 6= 8.83 so 8 times!
Seven times with a remainder of four