One lakh is 100,000 do the answer is 10.
unit hundred thousand ten-thousand lakh / hundred-thousand million crore / ten-million billion ten-billion hundred-billion trillion . . . so on...
15 ten or 150 of them.
Ten, 10 x 1,000 = 10,000
There are exactly Ten MILLION thousands in ten billion. Answered by a sixth grader.
Ten of them.
One thousandths of the number make 10. One hundred of them make ten lakh.
1000 thousands are there in ten lakhs.
100000/10 = 10000
Ten lakh, in figures, is written 1,000,000 in Western notation.
Seven ten thousands thousands make seventy million.
One lakh is 100,000 do the answer is 10.
1 crore = 10,000,000 10 crores = 100,000,000 10 crores/1,000 = 100,000 = 1 lakh
10 lakh is 1,000,000 = 10,000 hundreds
1 lakh and ten thousand!