To convert seconds to days, we need to divide the total number of seconds by the number of seconds in a day. There are 86,400 seconds in a day (60 seconds per minute * 60 minutes per hour * 24 hours per day). Therefore, 1,000,000,000 seconds is equal to approximately 11,574.07 days (1,000,000,000 seconds / 86,400 seconds per day).
1000000000 m ÷ 1 m = 1000000000 ÷ 1 = 1000000000
Multiply by 1000000000. So there are 1000000000 nanograms in 1 gram.
You do this problem by dividing 1000000000 by 27 and disregarding the remainder.You get 37037037.
How many tens are there in 1700?
5 percent of 1000000000 = 50000000 5% of 1000000000 = 5% * 1000000000 = 5%/100% * 1000000000 = 50000000
it has 1000000000 calories