One thousand
9241 or 9(thousands) 2(hundreds) 4(tens) 1(ones) You need to figure out what the hundreds column is closer to, in this case is 2 closer to zero or 10? Zero. So you would round down to 9000 or 9(thousand). But say it was 9529 or 9(thousand) 5(hundred) 2(tens) 9(ones) Here you would need to find out what the tens column is, because 5 (in this case) is in the middle of 9 thousand and 10 thousand. But if the tens column had a number of 1 or up, it would be rounded to 10 thousand, same for the ones column. Typically, if it was exactly in the middle (9500) you round up to (10 000) rather than down (9000)
Twelve thousand seven hundred written in numerals is 12, 700. This has 5 digits.
Billion and trillion are large measurements of items. One can make up the other, it takes one thousand billions to make a trillion.
sixty 600 / 10 = 60
I think 40...
One thousand
9241 or 9(thousands) 2(hundreds) 4(tens) 1(ones) You need to figure out what the hundreds column is closer to, in this case is 2 closer to zero or 10? Zero. So you would round down to 9000 or 9(thousand). But say it was 9529 or 9(thousand) 5(hundred) 2(tens) 9(ones) Here you would need to find out what the tens column is, because 5 (in this case) is in the middle of 9 thousand and 10 thousand. But if the tens column had a number of 1 or up, it would be rounded to 10 thousand, same for the ones column. Typically, if it was exactly in the middle (9500) you round up to (10 000) rather than down (9000)
There are thousand including 2,670 that have Official names.
Not if you have to make up days.
there are 200 tens in two hundred
Twelve thousand seven hundred written in numerals is 12, 700. This has 5 digits.
3,000 tens is 30,000 Which is 3 ten thousands.
Billion and trillion are large measurements of items. One can make up the other, it takes one thousand billions to make a trillion.
One thousand.