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Q: How many thimble rotations will make the spindle of a standard micrometer move exactly quarter inch?
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How many times does the earth rotate during a solar year?

To the nearest quarter rotation, 365 and one quarter rotations.

How many engine rotations are turned by a fuel dragster in one quarter mile?

Less than 10K.

How three and a quarter million in standard form?

Three and a quarter million in standard form is 3.25 × 106

What measuring tool would you used to measure a diameter of a quarter?

You could use a simple ruler, or a micrometer for greater accuracy.

How many is two times a quarter of a rotation?

90 degrees * * * * * No! 1 rotation = 360 degrees so 21/4 rotations = 2.25*360 = 810 degrees

What is 1 quarter out of 28?

7 is exactly 1 quarter of 28

How many meters are there in a quarter of a meter?

A quarter is equal to 0.25. Therefore, a quarter of a metre is equal to 0.25 metres.There are exactly 25 centimetres in a quarter of a metre.

How many times must one run around the standard quarter-mile track to travel 1 kilometer?

Exactly 2.5 laps on a 400m track and 2.49 laps for a 440 yards track.

How Many fat quarters are in a yard of fabric?

There are 4 fat quarters in a yard of fabric.When fabric comes off the bolt it is stored on, it is folded in half so that the selvedge ends are touching. To cut a fat quarter, a half yard is cut from the bolt of fabric. This half yard is then cut in half along the fold, resulting in a quarter yard of fabric (half of a half is a quarter).The fat quarter is used often in quilting because it provides more usable space for quilters than a standard quarter yard cut. A standard quarter yard is 9 inches wide, by the width of fabric on the bolt (anywhere between 40-44 inches is standard width of fabric). A fat quarter is wider, but less long at 18 inches wide by 20-22 inches long.Even though the fat quarter has a different length and width than a standard quarter yard cut, it still represents a quarter yard of fabric. Since four quarters make a whole, each yard of fabric can be cut into exactly 4 fat quarters.

Why you take Half Lives in case of Radioactivity instead of quarter lives?

Tradition. By the way, the "quarter-life" (when 1/4 of the original substance is left) would be exactly two half-lives.Tradition. By the way, the "quarter-life" (when 1/4 of the original substance is left) would be exactly two half-lives.Tradition. By the way, the "quarter-life" (when 1/4 of the original substance is left) would be exactly two half-lives.Tradition. By the way, the "quarter-life" (when 1/4 of the original substance is left) would be exactly two half-lives.

What month for 4th quarter?

The 4th quarter of a standard calendar year consists of the months October, November and December.

How is seven and three quarter writyen in standard form?
