There are 324 thousands in 324567. This is because each group of three digits in a number represents a place value - hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. In this case, the digit 3 in the thousands place represents 3000, so there are 324 thousands in the number 324567.
Well, honey, if one number is 97356 and the total is 324567, then all you gotta do is subtract 97356 from 324567 to find the other number. So, grab a calculator or use those brain cells of yours and do the math. You'll find that the other number is 227211. Voila!
120,000 thousands
1,049.753 thousands.
5 thousands
4,280 thousands.
Well, honey, if one number is 97356 and the total is 324567, then all you gotta do is subtract 97356 from 324567 to find the other number. So, grab a calculator or use those brain cells of yours and do the math. You'll find that the other number is 227211. Voila!
Thousands and thousands and thousands............
To many to count! Thousands upon thousands.
120,000 thousands
1,049.753 thousands.
Thousands and thousands
600.572 thousands.
5 thousands
4,280 thousands.
3.785 thousands.
700,000 thousands.