We only use 10 digits (0 through 9), so I would say, there is one of them.
Not counting the three in the ones place, there are 100229.
100230, which includes the first one to the left of the decimal point.
There are 100230 '3's in the first million digits of pi.
there are 29 zeros in the first 200 digits of pi.
9 digits
Not counting the three in the ones place, there are 100229.
100230, which includes the first one to the left of the decimal point.
About 100,000 of each.
There are eight threes in the first fifty digits of pi, not including the first three before the decimal point.Here is an example below with the threes in bold.3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
Not counting the 3 in the ones place, there are 100229 threes and 100106 nines.
There are 100229 threes and 100106 nines. A table of all the digit frequencies can be found at http://www.super-computing.org/pi-decimal_current.html
51. 51. 51. 51.
There are 100230 '3's in the first million digits of pi.
there are 29 zeros in the first 200 digits of pi.