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In order to give your hand and your penis some rest, limit it to no more than 150 times, which would be about 5 times a day.

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Q: How many times a boy of 15 years can do hand practice in a month?
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Related questions

Is hand practice is a sin?

at times yes but mostly no

How many time hand practice is good in a month?

It's not in a month. U can do it 5 to 6 times a day. especially if you are just discovering it. You can' trun out of semen or anything. The most to happen is your penis gets a little sore.

What is the advantages of hand practice in the age of 15 years?

The hand practice is a surest and quick way to masturbate. Also there is a less possibility to cause any injury.

Is girl do hand practice?

Girls do hand practice.

How many time does a hour hand of a clock rotate in the month of September?

60 times !

Is it harmfull if hand practice is not done?

no it is not harm full if hand practice is not done . in my thinking it is very good if hand practice is not done .

What is the benefit of hand practice?

hand practice is bad habits hand practice destroy you ______________________________________________________ Hand practice (or menstruation) is harmful to health and is sinful per Islam rules. Refer to question below for details.

Is fast break by sexual hand practice?

Sexual hand practice LOL

Can a man ever become a father who has done hand practice for 3 years?

No need of hand every person has its own requirement of doing that thinks

If you have been involved in hand practice since 6 years old will that affect your married life?

just don't get caught!!! haha if you do your screwed!!! lol What on earth is 'hand practice'? wanking?..are you trying to ask if waking will have an effect on your married life?...

Can you re-get your sperm power while you do hand practice over 1-1.5 years?

Yes, the power will come back.

How one can controls hand practice give any Islamic solution?

How i can contol itself from hand practice