133 times
Well, let's see here. To figure out how many times 31 goes into 399, we can simply divide 399 by 31. When we do that, we find that 31 goes into 399 about 12 times with a remainder of 7. Isn't that just a happy little reminder that numbers can be divided in different ways?
20 times
12 timesExactly 12 times
Exactly 20 times
7 will go into 399 57 times with no remainder. So 399 divided by 7 is 57.
133 times
1,200 / 3 = 400 399 times with 2 remaining
How many times can 10 go into 20
Well, let's see here. To figure out how many times 31 goes into 399, we can simply divide 399 by 31. When we do that, we find that 31 goes into 399 about 12 times with a remainder of 7. Isn't that just a happy little reminder that numbers can be divided in different ways?
2000/20 = 100 20 goes into 2000 by 100 times.
20 times
20 times.
12 timesExactly 12 times
Exactly 20 times
How many times does 5 go into 20 ?