9.6 times
To determine how many times 72 goes into 576, we divide 576 by 72. The result of this division is 8, meaning that 72 goes into 576 exactly 8 times. This can be calculated by dividing the dividend (576) by the divisor (72) to get the quotient (8).
9.6 times
To determine how many times 72 goes into 576, we divide 576 by 72. The result of this division is 8, meaning that 72 goes into 576 exactly 8 times. This can be calculated by dividing the dividend (576) by the divisor (72) to get the quotient (8).
To determine how many times 9 goes into 576, we divide 576 by 9. The result is 64, meaning that 9 goes into 576 64 times. This can be calculated by dividing 576 by 9, which equals 64.
115 R 1
32 times.
2 goes into 32 ... 16 times
32 times.
There are 36 ounces in a pound. To convert 576 ounces to pounds, divide 576 by 16 (since 1 pound equals 16 ounces). This calculation results in 36 pounds.
32 does not go into 12 !