4 goes into 164 41 times.
It goes in 41 times.
4 with remainder 5..
15 times with remainder 2 or 15.5 times
Well, darling, 4 goes into 164 a total of 41 times. Divide and conquer, honey!
4 goes into 164 41 times.
41 times
4x10 = 40, so 4 can go into 41 10 times with 1 left as the remainder.
It goes in 41 times.
15 times with remainder 2 or 15.5 times
4 times with a remainder of 39
4 with remainder 5.
41 ÷ 6 = 6 with remainder 5 or 6.8333 times.
41 and 2/3
4 with remainder 5..
Well, darling, 4 goes into 164 a total of 41 times. Divide and conquer, honey!
4, remainder 18