Well, honey, if you divide 250 by 5, you get 50. So, 5 goes into 250 a total of 50 times. Math doesn't have to be a headache, darling.
250/2 = 125... So 125 times.
250/4 = 62.5
24 times.
Five times
Well, honey, if you divide 250 by 5, you get 50. So, 5 goes into 250 a total of 50 times. Math doesn't have to be a headache, darling.
5 goes into 250 50 times because 50*5 = 250
there are 50 stars because of the 50 states, so that times 5 (points) = 250 points in total. there you go =)
250/2 = 125... So 125 times.
250/4 = 62.5
24 times.
83.333333333333333 times.
12 times
250 ÷ 9 = 27 with remainder 7 or 27.7778 times.
125 times