1800/30 = 60.
How many times can 100 go into 1800
How many times can 36 go into 1800
9 times
72 times.
To calculate how many times 1800 can go into 10, you would perform the division: 10 1800 1800 10 Since 10 is significantly smaller than 1800, the result will be a very small decimal number, indicating that 1800 cannot go into 10 evenly. So, 10 1800 ≈ 0.0056 1800 10 ≈0.0056 Therefore, 1800 can't go into 10 any whole number of times.
It goes: 60/6 = 10 times
300 ÷ 5 = 6060 times
60/12 = 5 times. 60/12 = 5 times. 60/12 = 5 times. 60/12 = 5 times.