8 with a remainder of 1.
57/7 = 8.142857 recurring (that is, 8.142857142857...) or 8 and one seventh.
How many times does 8 go into57
how many times can 7 go into 49? easy...
182 / 7 = 26So 7 will go into 182 26 times.
3 times with remainder 5.
7 will go into 399 57 times with no remainder. So 399 divided by 7 is 57.
57/7 = 8.142857 recurring (that is, 8.142857142857...) or 8 and one seventh.
7 with remainder 36.
57, remainder 7
7, remainder 1
To determine how many times 7 fits into 57, you would perform division. 57 divided by 7 equals 8 with a remainder of 1. This means that 7 fits into 57 exactly 8 times, with 1 left over.
How many times does 8 go into57
2 with remainder 7
Example: If you have 57/7 (fiftyseven OVER seven) You need to count how many sevens go into 57 (dividing 57 by seven). This would give you 8 SEVENS (because 8 times 7 gives you 56) AND 1 REMAINDER. So your answer would be.... 8 1/7 ( a BIG 8 and .. 1 over 7)
(7/57) x 100 = 12.281 (to three decimal places)
how many times can 7 go into 49? easy...