To calculate how many times 18 goes into 120, you would divide 120 by 18. The result of this division is 6.66666667. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we would round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 18 goes into 120 exactly 6 times.
18 multiplied by 120 is 2,160.
This could be "what times 4 is 18?", for which the answer is 18/4, which is 4.5
To find 15 percent of 120, you can either calculate on your calculator 120 times 0.15=18 or you can calculate in your head 120 x .15 = 18. Either way they both work.
18/120 = 3/20
To calculate how many times 18 goes into 120, you would divide 120 by 18. The result of this division is 6.66666667. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we would round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 18 goes into 120 exactly 6 times.
120 divided by 34 is 3 with remainder 18.
18 multiplied by 120 is 2,160.
It is: 18/120 times 100 = 15%
It is: 18/120 times 100 = 15%
This could be "what times 4 is 18?", for which the answer is 18/4, which is 4.5
To find 15 percent of 120, you can either calculate on your calculator 120 times 0.15=18 or you can calculate in your head 120 x .15 = 18. Either way they both work.
That is 18 gallons
18/120 = 3/20
4 times, with a remainder of 8.