It goes in 64 times.
To determine how many times 64 goes into 480, you would divide 480 by 64. The result of this division is 7.5. However, since we are dealing with whole numbers, 64 goes into 480 7 times with a remainder of 32.
64 multiplied by 25 is 1,600.
64 goes into 96 once (1 time)
21 times
64 ÷ 25 = 2 with remainder 14 or 2.56 times.
2 r 14
It goes in 64 times.
Four goes into 64 exactly 16 times
It goes: 49/64 = 0.765625
64 does not go into 16, however, 16 goes into 64 four times.
To determine how many times 64 goes into 480, you would divide 480 by 64. The result of this division is 7.5. However, since we are dealing with whole numbers, 64 goes into 480 7 times with a remainder of 32.
64 goes into 312 four times with 56 left over.
Exactly 32 times
4 goes into 64 exactly 16 times
3 times with a remainder of 25