40 can go into 172 4 times with a remainder of 12, or 4.3 times.
1 with remainder 12.
40 times
40 goes into 5,000 125 times.
40 times.
40 can go into 172 4 times with a remainder of 12, or 4.3 times.
1 with remainder 12.
12.5 times or 12 with remainder 20.
92-40=52-42=12 so 2
The answer is 13 with remainder 1, or 13⅓ = 13.3 recurring.
40 times
14 goes into 40 2 times. (with a remainder of 12)14 x 2 = 2840 - 28 = 12
40 goes into 5,000 125 times.
40 times.
480 ÷ 12 = 40
It goes 40 times.
40 times