39, 26 and 30
The number of times 3 can go into 39 is determined by dividing 39 by 3. The result of this division is 13, which means that 3 can go into 39 thirteen times without any remainder. This is because 3 multiplied by 13 equals 39.
Exactly 39 times
17 goes into 39 2.29 times. 39 / 17 = 2.29
7 times. 39 times 7=273
3 times 3 x 13 = 39
39 ÷ 3 = 13
Three times.
Exactly 13 times
Exactly 3 times
Exactly 13 times
13.69 times or 13 with remainder 27.
Goes 2 times with a remainder of 13
negative 3 times
13 goes into 516 39 times, with a remainder of 9.
39, 26 and 30
13 goes into 39 three times. If that's not what you were asking, 39 goes into 78 twice, and 13 goes into 78 six times.