To calculate how many times 4 can go into 152, you divide 152 by 4. The result is 38, so 4 can go into 152 exactly 38 times. This is because 4 multiplied by 38 equals 152.
152 times.
38 times.
Four times, with a remainder of 222 repeating. (152 / 36 = 4.222 repeating)
To determine how many times 2 goes into 152, you would perform division. 152 divided by 2 equals 76, so 2 goes into 152 76 times evenly. This means that 2 multiplied by 76 equals 152.
6 times - with 14 remainder
To calculate how many times 4 can go into 152, you divide 152 by 4. The result is 38, so 4 can go into 152 exactly 38 times. This is because 4 multiplied by 38 equals 152.
152 / 8 = 19
152 รท 19 = 8
152 times.
38 times.
19 times.
16.888 times
152 ÷ 25 = 6 with remainder 2.
152 times, with 2 left over.
152 (152.2308) times.
Four times, with a remainder of 222 repeating. (152 / 36 = 4.222 repeating)