Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers here. If you gently divide 185 by 15, you'll find that it goes in 12 times with a remainder of 5. Remember, mistakes are just happy little accidents in the world of math, so keep on painting those numbers until you find the right answer.
46.25 times.
37 times
185 ÷ 48 = 3 remainder 41
it goes in 5 times
It goes: 185/2 = 92 times with a remainder of 1
185 divided by 8 equals 23 with a remainder of 1.
Exactly 5 times
4.4 times or 4 with remainder 17.
30 with remainder 5.
Twice with a remainder of three
20 times with a remainder of 5
1/5 = 0.237 divided by 0.2 = 185 times