189 ÷ 29 = 6 with remainder 15
Once with a remainder of fourteen
To determine how many times 15 goes into 160, we need to divide 160 by 15. The result of this division is approximately 10.6667. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we must round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 15 goes into 160 approximately 10 times.
9.6 times.
Exactly 29 times
29 does not divide evenly into 95, but it will go into 95 3 times. 95 / 29 = 3.2758620689655172413793103448276...
0.03448275862069 times
7.25 times.
3 times
Three times.
7.066666666666667 times.
15 can go into 3,536 about 235.73repeating times.