Well honey, 17 goes into 54 a grand total of 3 times with a remainder of 3. So, you can fit 17 into 54 three times, but you'll have a little leftover that just won't quite fit. Math can be a real diva sometimes, can't it?
Oh, dude, you're really making me do math right now? Okay, fine, let me put on my thinking cap... calculates in head... Alright, so 15 goes into 54 like 3.6 times, but since we can't have a fraction of a time, it goes in there a solid 3 times. Math wizard, right here!
51 ÷ 3 = 17 Therefore 3 goes into 51 17 times
54 can go into 54 once, with remainder 4.
54 goes into 8100 150 times.
18.03 times.... 974/54 = 18.037...
54 ÷ 4 = 13 remainder 2
18 times.
54 times
0.8308 times.