4.5 times or 4 with remainder 20.
To calculate how many times 9 goes into 180, you would divide 180 by 9. The result is 20, as 9 times 20 equals 180. Therefore, 9 goes into 180 twenty times.
Yes, 20 times.
It goes in 7.2 times, or 7 times with a remainder of 5.
7.2 times.
Exactly 20 times
4.5 times or 4 with remainder 20.
To calculate how many times 9 goes into 180, you would divide 180 by 9. The result is 20, as 9 times 20 equals 180. Therefore, 9 goes into 180 twenty times.
Yes, 20 times.
9 x 20 = 180
It goes in 7.2 times, or 7 times with a remainder of 5.
60 times
7.2 times.
60 times.
6 times
36 times.
7.5 times.