To find out how many times 21 goes into 140, you would perform the division operation 140 รท 21. The result of this division is approximately 6.6667. Since you cannot have a fraction of a division in this context, you would round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 21 goes into 140 exactly 6 times.
To determine how many times 5 goes into 700, you would divide 700 by 5. The result is 140, meaning that 5 goes into 700 140 times without any remainder. This can be calculated by performing the division operation 700 รท 5 = 140.
140 times (420 ÷ 3 = 140).
3 times with 20 left over exact answer- 3.5 times
28 times.
14 times.
70 times.
140 times.
14 times.
1.75 times.
0.02142857142857 times
140 times
280/20 = 14 times