19 times with 9 of a remainder or 19.9 times.
9 times but there is a remainder.
16 R:7
How many times does 16 go into 140
7 times. 7.5833333... to be exact.
199 ÷ 28 = 7 with remainder 3 or 7.107142857142857
19 times with 9 of a remainder or 19.9 times.
7.37 times or 7 times with a remainder of 10.
9 times but there is a remainder.
16 R:7
How many times does 16 go into 140
39 times, remainder 3
7 times. 7.5833333... to be exact.
It goes: 5000/25 = 200 times
24 can go into 209 8.7083333333333333333333333333333 or 8 17/24 times.
3 times