8 times, remainder 24
38 with remainder 2.
8, remainder 16
Well, honey, 2 can go into 344 a whopping 172 times. It's basic division, not rocket science. So, grab a calculator if you need to double-check, but trust me, it's 172.
7 times. 7.5833333... to be exact.
24 can go into 209 8.7083333333333333333333333333333 or 8 17/24 times.
3 times
24/149 or 0.16107 times
how many times does six go into 132
366/24 = 14 24 can go into 336 14 times.
let 45 go a times into 24,so 45x a=24a=45/24=0.533345 goes 0.5333 times into 24