To find out how many times 5 goes into 385, you would divide 385 by 5. The result is 77, with no remainder. Therefore, 5 goes into 385 exactly 77 times.
9 can go into 27 three times, so 27 can go into 9 one third times.
56 times.
1.667 times.
27 times
27 times with a remainder of 7 or 27.5 times
To find out how many times 5 goes into 385, you would divide 385 by 5. The result is 77, with no remainder. Therefore, 5 goes into 385 exactly 77 times.
27 times
27 times.
27 go's into 495 18.3 repeating times
9 can go into 27 three times, so 27 can go into 9 one third times.
Once only
It goes: 810/27 = 30 times
27 times (270 ÷ 10 = 27).
27 and a half times
27 goes into 72 about 2.66666666667 times. You get this answer by dividing 72 by 27.
56 times.