3 remainder 7
Seven times...with 7 remainder.
5 with remainder 5.
31% of 70= 31% * 70= 0.31 * 70= 21.7
Multiply 310 by .70. Answer is 217. Alternately, you can also take 10% of 310 (31) 7 times (31 X 7 = 217)
70 times.
There are many number that will give you 70 with multiplying them. You can do 1 times 70, 10 times 7, 7 times 1 or 70 times 1.
10000/70 = 1426/7 times.
66 goes into 70 1.06060606 times
It goes: 70/8 = 8.75 times
2 hours 31 minutes.
14 hours 31 minutes.