10 times, remainder 11
To determine how many times 16 will go into 131, you divide 131 by 16. The result is approximately 8.1875. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 16 will go into 131 approximately 8 times.
16 times with a remainder of 3
38 times. 76/2 = 38
131 times.
10 times, remainder 11
To determine how many times 16 will go into 131, you divide 131 by 16. The result is approximately 8.1875. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 16 will go into 131 approximately 8 times.
Eleven times with a remainder of ten
16 times with a remainder of 3
3 times, with a remainder of 14.
38 times. 76/2 = 38
38 ÷ 15 = 2 with remainder 8
2 with remainder 9.
38 goes into 243 6.39 times.
2,128 ÷ 56 = 38