83 times
To find out how many times 3 goes into 114, you would divide 114 by 3. The result is 38, meaning that 3 goes into 114 38 times without any remainder. This is because 3 multiplied by 38 equals 114.
38 times. 76/2 = 38
38 ÷ 15 = 2 with remainder 8
200 ÷ 83 = 2 with remainder 34
Well, isn't that just a happy little math problem! If you take 83 and divide it by 13, you'll find that it goes in 6 times with a remainder of 5. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents!
38 goes into 243 6.39 times.
2,128 ÷ 56 = 38
25 ÷ 38 = 25/38 ≈ 0.658
11 times with a remainder of 6
it is 83 times because 83 times 20 equals $16.60!