46 times
It goes into 46 7 times. Remainder 3.
Well, honey, 3 goes into 138 a whopping 46 times. It's simple division, darling. So, grab a calculator or do it the old-fashioned way and figure it out. Math doesn't bite, you know.
The number of times 15 goes into 46 can be calculated by dividing 46 by 15. When you perform this division, you get a quotient of 3 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, 15 goes into 46 three times with a remainder of 1.
First convert your word problem to math form, 256 / 7 Next, how many times does 7 go into 25 ? the answer is 3 (7*3=21) 25 - 21 = 4, bring down the 6 and calculate how many times 7 goes into 46? The answer is 6 times (7 * 6 = 42)... 46 - 42= 4. Your answer is 36 Remainder 4, or if it is a decimal you are after, it will be 36.5714.
46 times
It goes into 46 7 times. Remainder 3.
3 goes into 57 19 times. 3 goes into 138 46 times.
It goes 3 times.
15 times with a remainder of 1
3 with remainder 2.
Well, honey, 3 goes into 138 a whopping 46 times. It's simple division, darling. So, grab a calculator or do it the old-fashioned way and figure it out. Math doesn't bite, you know.
190 ÷ 48 = 3 with remainder 46 or 3.95833
Oh, dude, let me do the math for you. So, 46 divided by 12 equals... approximately 3.83. But, like, you can't have 0.83 of a 12, so we'll just say it goes in about 3 times. Math is fun, right?
138 3 times 46 is 138 and 46 times 3 is 138
The number of times 15 goes into 46 can be calculated by dividing 46 by 15. When you perform this division, you get a quotient of 3 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, 15 goes into 46 three times with a remainder of 1.