The number of times 3 goes into 98 can be determined by dividing 98 by 3. The result of this division is approximately 32.6667. However, since we are dealing with whole numbers, we can say that 3 goes into 98 exactly 32 times with a remainder of 2.
98. Set your problem up as a long division problem or estimate that 3 will go into 300, 100 times and 294 is two times less than that.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! Let's see, if we take 98 and divide it by 5, we find that 5 can go into 98 about 19 times with a remainder of 3. Isn't it just wonderful how numbers can come together like that to create a beautiful little equation?
5 can go into 41 eight times and 3 can go into 41 thirteen times.
3 times
98 ÷ 19 = 5 with remainder 3
3 R 11
3 times with a remainder of 17
98. Set your problem up as a long division problem or estimate that 3 will go into 300, 100 times and 294 is two times less than that.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! Let's see, if we take 98 and divide it by 5, we find that 5 can go into 98 about 19 times with a remainder of 3. Isn't it just wonderful how numbers can come together like that to create a beautiful little equation?
No, 98 is not in the 3 times table. In the 3 times table, you multiply 3 by different numbers to get the sequence 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. Since 98 is not a multiple of 3, it does not appear in the 3 times table.
35 goes into to 100 two times.
5 8/18 Work out how many 18s go into the top number, until there is a remainder, in this case 5 18s go into 98 and leaves us with 8 spare. How many times can 3 go into 162? 162 รท 3 = 54
I counted about 98 times, but my margin of error is (+ - 3)
32 goes into 98 - three times.
3 goes into 57 19 times. 3 goes into 138 46 times.
4.67 times or 4 with remainder 2.