37 with remainder 40.
9 times with a remainder of 40 or 9.5 times
Well, darling, if you divide 3200 by 80, you'll find that it goes in 40 times. Simple math, nothing fancy. Just like getting a slice of cake at a party - you can divide it into as many pieces as you want, but in this case, you've got 40 slices of 80 in that 3200 cake.
40 times
6 times with a remainder of 8
2 can go into 80 forty times because 80 divided by 2 equals 40.
37 with remainder 40.
40 with remainder 41.
2 with remainder 40.
9 times with a remainder of 40 or 9.5 times
15.5solve: 8/124-80-40- -4____________0
40 ! 40 (forty) 2's go into 80 !
2 goes into 80 .....40 times
Well, darling, if you divide 3200 by 80, you'll find that it goes in 40 times. Simple math, nothing fancy. Just like getting a slice of cake at a party - you can divide it into as many pieces as you want, but in this case, you've got 40 slices of 80 in that 3200 cake.
40 times