5 goes into 85 17 times.
To find out how many times 5 goes into 385, you would divide 385 by 5. The result is 77, with no remainder. Therefore, 5 goes into 385 exactly 77 times.
5 goes into 94 18.8 times.
It goes 120/5 = 24 times
5 goes into 100 20 times
5 times with a remainder of 15 or 5.1875 times
It is: 5*83 = 415
Yes, 83 times
Well, honey, 5 goes into 82 a total of 16 times with a remainder of 2. So, technically, you can fit 5 into 82 exactly 16 times before you're left with a little leftover. Math can be a real stickler for precision, can't it?
5 times
5 goes into 85 17 times.
5 goes into 54 ten times with 4 left over
83 x 5
40 times.
23 times.