Well, honey, if you do the math, 34 goes into 204 a total of 6 times. Simple division, darling. Next time, try not to strain your brain too much on these basic calculations.
6 goes into 200 32times
6 times
how many times can 6 go in to 66
6*83 = 498
Well, honey, if you do the math, 34 goes into 204 a total of 6 times. Simple division, darling. Next time, try not to strain your brain too much on these basic calculations.
No.Take the digits and add them together.2+0+4=6.3 can go into 6 2 times equally.So 204 is prime.
6*(-34) = -204
34 x 6 = 204
6 goes into 200 32times
How many times that 6 go into 100
6 times
34 multiplied by 6 is 204.
1224 - without using a calculator !
3.0938 times.
It can go into 8, 1.3333333 repeating)
To find out how many times 6 can go into 742, you would perform long division. 6 can go into 74 twelve times (6 x 12 = 72), with a remainder of 2. Bringing down the next digit, 6 can go into 24 four times (6 x 4 = 24) with no remainder. Therefore, 6 can go into 742 a total of 124 times.