6 times with a remainder of 24
Well, darling, 60 goes into 390 a total of 6 times. It's simple division, honey. Just divide 390 by 60 and you'll get your sassy answer. Math doesn't have to be boring, sugar!
6 times
how many times can 6 go in to 66
6*83 = 498
6 times with a remainder of 24
Well, darling, 60 goes into 390 a total of 6 times. It's simple division, honey. Just divide 390 by 60 and you'll get your sassy answer. Math doesn't have to be boring, sugar!
yes 65 times 6 is 390
How many times that 6 go into 100
390 minutes.
6 times
It can go into 8, 1.3333333 repeating)
how many times can 6 go in to 66
6*83 = 498
half a time