Well, let's see here, to find out how many times 7 goes into 53, we can simply divide 53 by 7. When we do that, we find that 7 goes into 53 approximately 7 times with a remainder of 4. Isn't it wonderful how numbers work together in harmony like that? Just happy little divisions creating a beautiful mathematical landscape.
7 times with a remainder of 5
Seven times with a remainder of four
4 goes into 53 ... 13 times with 1/4 left over.
how many times can 7 go into 49? easy...
7 times with a remainder of 5
53 times with a remainder of 2
7 with remainder 1.
53 times with a remainder of 7 or 53.875 times
Seven times with a remainder of four
53 times with a remainder of 4
53 x 7 = 371
4 goes into 53 ... 13 times with 1/4 left over.
3 months
it goes into 7 times