6 times with a remainder of 8
To calculate how many times 80 can go into 10,000, you would divide 10,000 by 80. This would result in 125, meaning that 80 can go into 10,000 125 times with no remainder.
It goes 2600/80 = 32.5 times
20 can go 4 times into 80
80/19= 4, 21
413 ÷ 48 = 8 with remainder 29
413 ÷ 12 = 34 with remainder 5.
29 with remainder 7.
413 divided by 3 is 137.67413 divided by 3 is 137 with a remainder of 2.
6 times with a remainder of 8
To calculate how many times 80 can go into 10,000, you would divide 10,000 by 80. This would result in 125, meaning that 80 can go into 10,000 125 times with no remainder.
It goes 2600/80 = 32.5 times
6 goes into 80 13 times.
20 can go 4 times into 80
80/19= 4, 21
How many times dose 20 go into 150
2,800 ÷ 80 = 35