69 goes into 586 8 times with remainder 34.
13 go into 105 8 times
7 times with a 7/8 as a remainder.
Eight goes into 34 four times, with a remainder of 2.
6 goes into 45 7.5 times, as there are 7 and a half values of 6 to make 45.
8 with remainder 5.
8 R 5
69 goes into 586 8 times with remainder 34.
69 but there is a remainder.
8 with remainder 58.
555 / 8 = 69 remainder 3
555 divided by 8 is 69 with remainder 3.
13 go into 105 8 times
7 times with a 7/8 as a remainder.
Eight goes into 34 four times, with a remainder of 2.
6 goes into 45 7.5 times, as there are 7 and a half values of 6 to make 45.