3 times with a remainder of 1
9.39 times or 9 times with a remainder of 11.
3.11 times or 3 with remainder 1.
7 goes into 28 4 times
it goes into 224 28 times
3 times with a remainder of 1
To determine how many times 9 can go into 378, you divide 378 by 9. The result is 42, meaning that 9 can go into 378 42 times without any remainder. This is because 42 multiplied by 9 equals 378.
28 times with a remainder of 8
233 ÷ 28 = 8 with remainder 9
9.39 times or 9 times with a remainder of 11.
If you mean 2 into 28 then it is 14 times
9 with remainder 27.
28 with remainder 6.
3 with remainder 9.
3.11 times or 3 with remainder 1.
7 goes into 28 4 times
it goes into 224 28 times