3 times with a remainder of 2
To determine how many times 9 goes into 261, you would divide 261 by 9. The result of this division is 29, which means that 9 goes into 261 29 times without any remainder. Therefore, 9 goes into 261 exactly 29 times.
8 times plus nine
Once, with 9 left over.
Evenly, it doesn't. But, if you will accept decimals, 9 goes into 87 9.66666667 times.
9 whole times and 2/3 of one more time
To determine how many times 9 goes into 261, you would divide 261 by 9. The result of this division is 29, which means that 9 goes into 261 29 times without any remainder. Therefore, 9 goes into 261 exactly 29 times.
8 times plus nine
9 times with a remainder of 3
265 ÷ 9 = 29 with remainder 4 or 29.44 times.
Once, with 9 left over.
Evenly, it doesn't. But, if you will accept decimals, 9 goes into 87 9.66666667 times.
9 whole times and 2/3 of one more time
3 times with a remainder of 1
3 times with a remainder of 2.
How many times does50 go into 498
9 will go into 1463 about 162.5 times.