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Q: How many times does eighteen go into onehudred forty nine?
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How many neutrons in the element argon?

If you look at the periodic table, Argon's atomic mass is forty, and its atomic number is eighteen. So forty minus eighteen = 22 neutrons

How many times does eighteen go into thirty six?

Two times.

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Six times with a remainder of eighteen

1and a half yard equals how many inches?

A yard is three feet, and a foot is twelve inches. Multiply twelve by three and you get forty-eight. Half of three is one and a half, so that would be eighteen inches. Add eighteen and forty-eight is sixty-six. One yard is forty-eight inches, and one and a half feet is eighteen inches. Thus, a one and a half yard is sixty-six inches.

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Ten times.

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5 times

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How many times is the word forty used in the Bible?

In the King James version the word - forty - appears 157 times the word - forty's - appears once

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How many times has North Carolina been to the final four?

Eighteen (18) times.

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Four times.

How many times can 4 go in 160?

Exactly forty times