32 can go into 100 completely three times. After that, there's only enough room left in there for another 4, so there is no way to stuff the entire 32 in again. 32 doesn't go into 100 evenly. It goes in 3.125 times .
2 goes into 32 ... 16 times
Three (3.875) times.
32 times.
Sixteen times (16 x 2 = 32)
32 can go into 100 completely three times. After that, there's only enough room left in there for another 4, so there is no way to stuff the entire 32 in again. 32 doesn't go into 100 evenly. It goes in 3.125 times .
11 times but not evenly: it leaves a remainder.
32 times.
2 goes into 32 ... 16 times
Yes, but not evenly, It goes into 32, 2 times with a remainder of 10
Three (3.875) times.
23 times and you'll have a remeinder of 4
no, it goes 32 times with 8 remainder
Answer = 32 The math is 96/3