To calculate how many times 60 goes into 1000, you would perform the division 1000 ÷ 60. The quotient is 16 with a remainder of 40. Therefore, 60 goes into 1000 exactly 16 times, with a remainder of 40.
16.67 times or 16 with remainder 40.
Exactly 30 times
4 times with a remainder of 4
It goes 66 times with a remainder of 10
it goes in there 7 8 times 7=56 you can remember this by 5 6 7 8
60000, i guess
1000 ÷ 60 = 16 with remainder 40 OR 16.6667 times.
Exactly 20 times
Exactly 30 times
16 times
4 times with a remainder of 4
It goes 66 times with a remainder of 10
60 times.
60 x 100 = 6000/1000 = 6
it goes in there 7 8 times 7=56 you can remember this by 5 6 7 8
6% is the same as 0.06 and 0.06 times 1000 = 60