This would be about 16 times. You will get the image to double in the snowflake so having 8 sides will end up with 16 images.
tiling option~
the answer is 64,023,737,057,280,000.
8 times 8 times 8 times 8 times 8 times 8, or 86 is 262,144
One, and it is STILL the loneliest number...
The number of times that an image is reflected in a six sided snowflake is infinity. It is easy to construct a six sided snowflake in a PC.
snowflakes have 6 sides, so you fold the piece of paper 3 times.
To draw the simplest form of snowflake, begin with a straight horizontal line, and cross it with a straight vertical line, forming a "plus" sign. Next, add two lines angled at 45 degrees in both directions through the centre line (they would form an "X" if not on top of the "+"). Voila! You have a snowflake. To draw more complicated ones, try printing one off the internet and copying it a bunch of times until you can draw it from memory. If you want to create your own snowflake, fashion a paper snowflake and trace it! You're snowflake will be different from every other snowflake!
it can tell you how many shapes there will be (say if you fold it 4 times and cut 12 shapes into it then it gives you 48 shapes in the snowflake because there were really 4 shapes made when you cut 1 shape due to the fact that it had 4 layers)
A Sun-like star is typically about a billion times brighter than the reflected light from a planet orbiting around it. This difference in brightness makes it challenging to directly image exoplanets due to the overwhelming glare from their host stars. Techniques such as using coronagraphs or starshades are employed to block out the star's light and improve the chances of detecting planets.
number of times an image is magnified
number of times an image is magnified
cropping an image two times
cropping an image two times
How many times larger the image in the scope appears. A 4 power scope makes the image 4 times larger.
The number of times it amplifies the image.
This is a lens that magnifies the image 20 times.