A fluorescent tube turns on and off 60 times a second in north America. An incandescent light is lit by a heated filament, so although the current changes direction 60 times a second to the bulb, it does not have enough time to cool down, so it doesnt turn off.
12 hours if you round it off
1500 ÷ 10 = 150(Note: If dividing by ten knock off the last digit: so 1500 becomes 150).
65mph=zftps z=2.0097436
one hundred is 100 one million is 1000000 Therefore we take off two 0's off the 1000000, and it becomes 10000. The answer is 10,000.
Well, honey, if we do the math, 58 goes into 556 a total of 9 times. But hey, don't worry if you didn't know that off the top of your head - not everyone can be a human calculator like me.
To round it off, it is 186,000 miles a second in a vacuum.
Most dimmer switches work by turning the light off for a certain amount of time...a light bulb connected to 120V 60Hz actually turns off 120 times a second...If you have it turn off 60 times a second (and stay off longer each cycle) it appears to be dimmer...This is what SCRs and Triacs do...They turn AC voltage off for a period of time,while still swithing fast enough that your eye sees no flicker.
The red emergency light with the exclamation point began coming on for 1 second and turning off...intermittently. It began coming on/off once a week or so, but now comes on/off several times a day. What are some potential reasons for this?
If your check engine light comes on and STAYS ON, a malfunction has occurred that is effecting the emission control system If the light comes on and then goes off , occasionally , the malfunction has corrected itself If the light flashes on and off at 1 second intervals , a spark plug misfire has been detected
To turn off "change oil" light: # Turn off car. # Turn key to "on"; do not start it, just turn to "on" position. # Firmly depress accelerator three times, pausing for a second after each pump. # After 3 to 5 seconds, "change oil" light will flash and then turn off. # must depress gas pedal 3 times inside of 5 seconds, should hear a chime and the light will reset. This is found in the owners manual
Take it to the garage... lol :)<THIS ANSWER WAS NO HELP
Turn the ignition key off and on three times. You will see the check engine light go off and on. Count the times the light goes off and on. Those are the codes.
The seconed floor is the last one you can get.
The 2000 BMW shift light is computer programed to go on and off at the appropriate times. You can remove the shift light fuse to keep the light off permanently.
No, the frequency of light is the number of times a complete 'wavelength' of light (ignoring the photon-like nature of light) passes a fixed point in a second. Generally measured in Hertz (Hz).
I don't think it's a fixed amount of times. You have to parry him when he is paralysed by a light arrow that has been reflected off you shield.
Turn the key to the on position, do not start the car. Wait for the seat belt light to turn off (about 30-45 seconds) Plug and unplug the seat belt 3 times ending in the UN plugged position. Turn the headlights on for about a second and back off. Plug and unplug the seat belt 7 more times. The airbag light will flash multiple times, turning off the chime.